The program marks an expansion of the furniture giant’s existing e-design offerings and places it among the ranks of fellow home retailers who picked up the practice during the pandemic.
An abysmal year in 2022 left the e-design industry on shaky ground—but that won’t deter a new round of companies intent on finding a model with staying power. These are e-design’s latest players.
The 2010s saw the rise of many hyped e-design platforms—Decorist, Modsy, Homepolish—that have since shuttered. What’s plaguing the troubled brands, and what’s keeping the survivors in business?
Launched in 2020 by Raad Mobrem, Intro facilitates quick, paid video consultations. Here’s what makes the platform unique, and why designers are joining.
On the latest episode of The Business of Home Podcast, the founder and CEO of e-design giant Modsy shares insights on how the shifting tech landscape will impact both her company and the design industry at large.